Earnings Disclaimer

Earnings and Income Disclaimer ,

Results may vary, from person to person, we can not guarantee that you will make money online, or in the future, we have no idea of your skill level and experience with online marketing. We only show you the best tools and software out on the market, but we do not promise or guarantee any earnings from our training.

We also are not implying that you will earn money or get rich overnight, with any training or videos on SmartProfitMoney.com  or blog post that you might have read, this is only information, and is no way is to be used as how to get rich quick scheme, or make money online, it is up to you to learn all skills needed to work online, as in any business, you must apply yourself and learn how online marketing works.

Reviews on this website

All product reviews on this website, are not intended for you to purchase and make money overnight, as in any business, we provide inside look at many products, results may very, on you working with any product or blog post that we share on SmartProfitMoney.com , it is up to you to learn all the skills needed and apply them.

Affiliates Products we work with

We also have many affiliate products on our website, we are not responsible for any claims mention on affiliate products or videos, and from third party vendors, we also will receive a commission.